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What We Offer

What We Offer

The STEMPIRE Portal offers a centralized location for students and professionals engaged in STEM to access a wide variety of resources to include, but not limited to, a learning management system (STEMPIRE UNIVERSITY), an online scheduling system (STEMADVISOR), a job board, and partner/affiliate programs.


Students and professionals can enroll in free and paid courses in a number of subject areas, with workshops on academic and career development.


Members have an opportunity to participate in sponsored seminars by subject matter experts.

Resource Archive

Members can upload and access educational and professional resources on the STEMPIRE-Approved Archive.

Career Counseling
Presentation Coaching
Document Review Service
Résumé Writing
Job Board
Exclusive access to unpaid and paid opportunities through our job board. Volunteer opportunities, internships, and jobs are posted by registered members, Affiliates, and Partners.
Connections with Affiliate

Members can expand their network through
connections with other professional organizations.

Connections with Partnership

Members have an opportunity to
participate in sponsored seminars by
subject matter experts.